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Summer Self-care & Self-love: Body Positivity - Loving all the versions of our body - inspo•tips•affirmations

Happy August & happy last month of summer ☀️

For this month's intention, we're going to focus on both Self-care & Self-love when it comes to taking care of and loving our bodies - Body Positivity ✨️

June was all about seasonal Self-care, and how tailoring our self-care routines seasonally is extremely beneficial, because we do need different things seasonally & July we focused on Self-love & positive self-talk and tapping into our inner bestie instead of our inner bully.

So, to complete the summer season, I thought focusing on our body, would be something we could all use a little more of, especially more body positivity.


While many factors can influence your body positivity, it typically means appreciating your body (“flaws” and all), feeling confident, loving yourself, and accepting your shape and size.

Body confidence doesn't come from trying to achieve the perfect body, it comes from embracing the one you've already got
~ Little Steps. Big Happy
You can't hate yourself happy.
You can't criticize yourself thin.
You can't shame yourself worthy.
Real change begins with self-love and self-care.

As a young model,(I started modeling at 12), I became very self-conscious of my figure at a young age, by the time I was 19 I knew I needed to,"change my inner body-talk", I was 5'7 and kept my model weight between 125 - 135, and I was still told to lose weight, and repeatedly asked to camouflage my Latina curves, I'm a mix of German Irish & Mexican American, when my curves showed up when I was 14 I spent years trying to diet and exercise away those curves, I wanted to look like all the other models.

Me at 17 and aprox 125 lbs

Fast forward to my first pregnancy at 31, when I gained close to 100 lbs and spent years trying to lose it only to get pregnant again 8 years later, after my 2nd I decided to make a commitment to my body to love it more and take better care of it.

Here I am at my heaviest - 240 lbs the year before I had our 2nd

First thing I needed to do was stop trying to go back to my 20s and instead embrace my 40s.

My Body had changed, I no longer looked like I did when I was younger, and that's okay, because aging is a privilege and by loving all the versions of my body, I've been able to heal, which has allowed me to love & embrace my mid-50s body.

Here I am now, happy and healthy!

So whether you're in your 20s 30s 40s 50s or older, it's never too late to love and take care of your body.

My body shows up for me each and every day, and it deserves my wholehearted love.
~ zannakeithly
My body is not yours to critique and discuss.
My body is not yours for consumption.
My body is my vessel.
An archive of experiences.
A weapon that has fought battles only I understand. A library of love, pain, struggle, victory, and mystery. Your eyes cannot define all it has endured.
Do not place value upon my body, place it upon my being.

Body Positivity Affirmations:

1. I appreciate all the things my body does for me

2. I am enough no matter what size I am

3. I am always worthy of love

4. I deserve to show my body the care it needs

5. Enjoying food is totally normal and healthy

6. I am allowed to have bad days and good days

7. I let go of the urge to restrict

8. Numbers won't define me

9. I accept and respect my body just the way it is

And I said to my body softly, 'I want to be your friend.' it took a long breath and replied, 'I have been waiting my whole life for this.
Nayyirah Waheed

Here's 7 ways to love all the versions of your body:

• Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry and rest when you are tired

• Exercise to feel good and be healthy, not to lose weight or punish your body. Find fun ways to add more physical activity in your life, such as going for a walk with a friend

• Change the messages you are giving yourself and work on your inner dialog, identify the negative ways that you speak to yourself and make a decision to replace that negative self-talk with more realistic, loving, and positive self-talk

• Throw out the bathroom scale. You are much more than a number on a scale. Instead focus on the most important things about yourself like your unique talents, qualities, skills, and characteristics.

• Think of your body as an instrument instead of as an ornament. Be thankful every day for all of the wonderful things you can do in your body such as dance, play, run, enjoy good food, and give hugs

• Wear comfortable clothes that fit.

Clothes that fit you well are designed to complement your figure. Remember that you are so much more than the size you wear

• Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you in all your versions

It's time we as women stop the self-hate and body shaming ourselves, each of us is beautiful in our own way. Let's stop defining ourselves by the number on the scale or the size of our jeans,and instead let's embrace being healthy and fit, let's love our bodies by taking care of it, in all it's versions and seasons, no matter what!

She shows up for us every day, let's start showing up for her daily, not just when it's needed or we have to.

And remember, it's never too late and we're never too old to start loving ourselves, and our bodies.

T 🫶 Recovering Perfectionist

Self-care Advocate 💕 Self-love Warrior

Empowering Inspiring & Supporting Women


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